var mensagemSucesso = document.querySelector('.DialogMessage.MessagePositiveResult'); var confirmacaoCompra = document.querySelector('h1'); if (confirmacaoCompra && confirmacaoCompra.innerText.includes('Confirma')) { gtagEcommercePurchase(); } // Comércio Eletrônico function gtagEcommercePurchase(){ var transaction_id = document.querySelector("body > div > div.Middle > div > div > div > div > div.InPrintViewNotVisible > p:nth-child(4)").textContent.trim().replace("O número da sua encomenda é: ", "").replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r\ \t)/gm, "").replace(/\s/g, "").replace("Imprimir", ""); var order_total = parseFloat(document.querySelector(".Total .Total").textContent.replace("€","").replace(",",".")); var items = []; var htmlItems = document.querySelectorAll(".productBasketImage"); for (var i = 0; i < htmlItems.length; i++) { let htmlProduct = htmlItems[i].parentNode.parentNode; let item = { } let produto = htmlProduct; = /[^/]*$/.exec(htmlProduct.querySelector("a").href)[0]; = htmlProduct.querySelector("a").textContent; item.quantity = parseFloat(htmlProduct.querySelector('td[data-th="Quantidade"]').textContent.split(' ')[0]); item.price = parseFloat(htmlProduct.querySelector('td[data-th="Preço total"]').textContent.replace(",",'.').replace("€","")); items.push(item); } }

Colorless Shallow dish 19 cm PS Crystal Quantity Full Box: 100 Units.

(Amount: Cx. Completa, Color: Colorless) Product no.: MP2319-0041

3 Colorless Shallow dish 19 cm PS Crystal Quantity Full Box: 100 Units.
Price with tax
Shipping costs calculated on weight products
1 unit(s) = 0.34 €
In stock
Delivery period: 24 / 48 hours Portugal / delivery Spain 36 / 48h / Europe working days
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg
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Shipping costs calculated on weight products
Prices with tax